Quick important notice:
Some of these are not full versions, instead they are 'snapshots' that means they are still being worked on. They may not all work and there may be some problems. If there are any problems then please tell me in the comments section below.
Also, the only platforms that this game has been tested on is the Android, Web, PC, Mac, Linux, Windows 8 store, Windows 8.1 store and Google Native client
Android ( Will work)
- Has been tested
- Version 0.5 Alpha
- Latest Version
- Not a snapshot, this is the real version
- Run on Gingerbread or higher
- File format: .apk
- 27.06MB
- If the game lags and freezes for a long time, restart the game. Go to settings and force close the app. Start the game again. This may happen on older or lower-end devices.
- Previous versions are available
Download link: Click to download!
Blackberry (Very High chance of working)
- NOT tested
- Only for touch-screen
- Not a snapshot, this is the first version
- File format: .bar
Download link: Click to download!
IOS (will work) (comming soon)
Windows 8 store (PC)
- Windows 8.0 or higher
- Windows 8.1 is supported
- Tested on touch screen
- For touch screen ONLY